Jasmine’s Blog
Just another WordPress.com weblog



This class was hard for me at first. Html was hard at first for me but then I kind of got the hang of it. I know that this will help me in the future. The reason why I say this because when I want to design my own website; I can use html to help me out and the tags and the tables.  I did enjoy working with html.

My experiance with dreamweaver was awesome. Dreamweaver made things so much easier for me. It’s a system that is a good organizer for your website. If I could say which assignments were easier I would say the assignments we had to do in dreamweaver. Dreamweaver will help me a lot in the future to come.

Photoshop is a good place to make design your website. Photoshop was a little hard for me but it’s got a little easier but sometimes I have problems with it. This experienc with photoshop was interesting though. Photoshop will help me a little in the future but not a whole lot. I had fun working with photoshop.

The assignments that we’ve had in this class wasn’t really hard at all. It takes time though and you have to keep up. If you don’t keep up you will be lost in this class and that will really mess you up in this class. This class is so much fun at times but it can also be aggravating at times. The assignments were fun at times.

This class is not hard at all. If you love being on the computer and like designing your page on myspace.; you will kind of love this class. This class will defianetly in the future. If I want to design my own website if I want to have my own business; I would be glad for having this class. These are my opinions about this class and my experiences.




I think that hip hop music could and couldn’t be a negative effect on youth generation. The reasons why I say it could be is because for an example if boys who listen to music thats dealing with drugs then it’s a possibility that they will do that such thing they hear. Then it little kids even get a negative effect from hip hop at times; if they listen to cursin words in songs then they will grow up cursin theirselves. Then people who listen to songs dealing with sex they could grow up having sex and not even care who they doing it with and not care about their future.

The reasons why I say it couldn’t in away effect some is like for instance me sometimes I listen to hip hop because I like the beat. Then some songs I listen to are true especially about relationships. Some songs you can relate to and it can effect you in a positive way instead of a negative way. Some songs will help you what you’re going through and you probably needed an answer to your problem and that particular song will answer it for you. These are just my opinions on how hip hop can effect in a positive way.

Here are some opinions on how hip hop is not negative. No hip hop is not negative and it is really the person that can choose whether or not they do drugs.Rap is something that is real it tells the truth about life and what the rapper had to go through to get where he or she is right now. I dont think rap is a bad influence. Yes they talk about subjects such as sex drugs and violence but that doesnt make you do those things. I listen to rap and i am a virgen, never done drugs, and never gotten into a fight. These are some opinions I got off the web about hip hop not being negative.

These are on how hip hop can sometimes be negative. I would say it depends on which rappers a person would listen to. If someone listened to say, eminem or 50 cent or someone like them,I would say yeah, those rappers do have a negative influence on teens but there are certain ‘good’ rappers out there; so it depends on the rapper their listening to. The rap that talks about rapping people, doing drugs, and having sex is bad. People that listen to that I think definitely have a way greater chance of doing drugs and just basically ruining their lives becuse the music they are listening to encourages them to. What you listen to and watch influences what you do! These are just a couple of opinions about hip hop being negative.


The issues that relate to teen drivers is accidents. Teen are mostly involved in accidents and mostly be their fault. The reasons why I say this is because teens sometimes don’t pay attention at the speed their driving. Another reason why I say this is because mostly all teens love to text and talk on the phone and some even text while their driving and thats not good because that distracts them from the road. These are just a little of my opinions about why teens are involved in terrible accidents.

Some major causes of teenage driving accidents include sleep drowsiness, drunk driving, road rage, presence of other teenagers, blasting off loud music and drivers being inexperienced behind the wheel. Among all the victims of sleep drowsiness or dozing off at the wheel, almost half of them are under 25 years old. Young people tend to lead an active nightlife. They stay up late, sleep too little and most of them drive at night. Studies have shown that most cases of teenage accidents due to sleep drowsiness occur between 2.00-5.00 p.m. and 12 midnight to 7 in the morning. Thus, teenagers who drive during these hours are more vulnerable to accidents. Another leading cause of motor vehicle accidents among teenagers is driving under the influence of alcohol.  These are some facts about why teenagers get in so many accidents from the web.

 Young, inexperienced drivers should not be drinking in the first place, but they do it all too often and many of them drink either before or while driving. Statistics show one out of every ten teens between the ages of 12 and 13 drink alcohol at least once a month. These same young adults get a driver’s license when they turn age 16, and if they are still drinking, it may well be more than once a month. Couple their impaired vision, inattention to their surroundings, a loud radio, with alcohol and a fast car and the result is a recipe for disaster. These are just some facts about teenage drunk driving from the web.

Some of my opinions about how to be more safe when driving as a teen is not to text while driving. I love to text but when I’m driving I will not text because texting for me is a big distraction. The main thing not do is drink while driving or drive while drunk because you can put yourself in a real bad accident and make cause someone’s life to be taken form them. You shouldn’t drive so fast; always pay attention to the speed you’re driving at. These are just a couple of my opinions on how you can prevent from getting in a terrible car accident.

  Some others ways on how you can prevent accidents caused by teens is the parents helping them. Parents can make their teenage driver aware of the fact that using a cell phone while driving increases the crash risk by 300%. Parents may require that their teenage driver not have anyone in the car with them for the first 6 months unless they are with them to supervise. Parents can tell them to do the speed limit no matter how late they are for an appointment. Getting there safe is better than risking their life or driving record. Parents can also set a curfew for their teenage driver to have the car back. These are some facts on how parents can keep their teenage drivers from being terrible accidents.




The first item I would put in the box is a picture book. This picture book will have all of my pictures of me when I was small to now. The picture book will also have pictures of all the people I knew growing up. This is very important item that will bring back memories when I open the box in 2096. This the first main item that I would put in my time capsule box to be open in 2096.

The second thing I would put in there is some of my stuff from Delteen. The reason why I would put this item in there is to remind me that I was part of an organization. It will remind me that I did community service and helped out with the community. It will also remind me that I was a classy, dedicated, and sophisticated young lady. It will remind that I was part of the best girl organization ever.

Another thing that I would put in my capsule box in some of teddy bears that people have given me over the years. It will remind me of some people who made me feel special on special occasions. It will also remind me of who loved that they went out and spent their money on me on a special day. It will show me that I was cared about and not seen as nothing. This is a item I would put in my capsule box.

The next thing I would put in my time capsule box is my cds. I would like to remember the kind of music I listen to. It will remind me what I thought about and what kind of songs I cherished.  It will make see a little how was my personality by the songs I listened to. This would be the 4th thing in my capsule box.

The last item I would put in my time capsule box is some of my clothes. I love fashion and I would like to remember that. I would like to be reminded that I loved fashion and the kind of clothes I liked. I would like to see the colors of the clothing. This would be my fifth item I would put in my time capsule box.



 After school I plan on going to a 2 year community college and then attend a University to become a pediatricians. While i’m in college I would like to be a model as my side job while i’m trying to become a pedistrician. The reason why I want to become a pedistrician is because I love kids so much and I would like to be there to help them and be there to take care of them and save their life. I want to work in the medical field and I rather be pedistrician than a doctor because it’s something that I would enjoy. This is what I want to do after high school.

A  Pediatrician is a child’s physician who provides  preventive health maintenance for healthy children. Also provides medical care for children who are acutely or chronically ill.  Pediatricians manage the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of their patients, in every stage of development – in good health or in illness. Generally, pediatricians focus on babies, children, adolescents, and young adults from birth to age 21 years. These are just a little facts about Pediatricians

Pediatricians are important people to this world. The reason why I say this is because they help children lives and thats a good thing about pediatricians. They are real famous in Africa. The reason why they’re famous in Africa, because it be a lot kids dying and if we didn’t have pediatrician then the population will decrease rapily in Africa. Thats why I want to be a pediatrician, so I can save children lives and be successful.

Pediatricians must really like working with children and their families. Excellent communication skills are a prerequisite, as is the ability to work in a multidisciplinary team. Listening skills are also vital, as is the willingness to learn from patients. Having compassion, resilience and a sense of humor is important. Open-mindedness as to what constitutes a family is critical. The rewards are that the work is compassionate and caring – and frequently fun. These are just some skills you should have.
These are some of the reasons why I want be  Pediatrician. Pediatricians are good choice if you want to work in the medical field to me. I love kids so much and I want to be successful in life . I hope just one day this big dream of mines come true soon.  I want to be a good role model to kids and be there to save their lives.  This is my big dream I want to accomplish one day.





I think a lot of homework make me stress at times and having a lot of tests in one day. Some times haters at school make me stress, because I hate people talking about me and telling lies about me, but thats life. Oak Grove disciplines to much and that makes high school students stress also.  Teachers shouldn’t discpline so much, because they don’t know what that person done went through before they got to school. These are my opinions about the stress that high school students face.

The reason why teens might be stress is because of  school demands and frustrations. Teens having negative thoughts and feelings about themselves. Them dealing with death of a loved one and family financial problems. Teens having problems with friends and dealing with the divorce of their parents. These are some sources of stress for teens .

Teens can decrease stress by doing these things. Teens can avoid illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco and avoid excess caffeine intake which can increase feekings of anxiety and agitation. Teens should have friends who will help them act in a postive way not a negative way. Teens should decrease negative self talk and have more postive self talk. These are just a little facts on how you can decrease stress. 

Parents can also help high school students when their facing stress.  Parents can listen to the teen and manage overloading. Parents could be there and support if the teens are in particular sports.  They could learn and model stress management skills. They can monitor if stress is affecting their teen’s health, behavior, thoughts, or feelings .  These are some facts on how a parent can also help the teen with facing stress.




I think that people should just be theirselves, instead of, trying to be like someone else. If people try to be like famous celebrities and buy every thing they have then eventually their going to end up broke. I think you should just be yourself and be confindent and bold about yourself , instead, of trying to be like someone else.  You shouldn’t want to be like someone else anyways, because sometimes if you don’t notice people who you try to be like, would like to be like you too, because money and all the other expensive stuff don’t make a person happy. These are opinions about this situation.

Affluenza is symptomatic of a culture that prides financial success as one of the highest pursuits to be achieved. People said to be affected by affluenza typically find that the very economic success they have been so vigorously chasing ends up leaving them feeling unfulfilled, and wishing for yet more wealth. Affluenza is considered to be most present in the United States, where the culture encourages its citizens to measure their worth by financial success and material possessions. Mainstream media outlets, such as television broadcasts, tend to demonstrate how pervasive the idea has become; and by the same token, the same media outlets reinforce the values to the viewers. These are facts about Affluenza off the web.

Affluenza is a word that was coined a few years to describe what happens to people who have too much money for their own good. Skills like bargain hunting, job skills, living within your means, common sense economically and so on are not really developed since everything in this list can be solved by having unlimited money to throw at any problems. Larger homes, where everyone has their own rooms lead to more isolation and less interaction between family members. I think that professional soccer teams that cost a lot are not as valuable as those recreational teams where the kids play a lot of games, the fields are close to home instead of out of town, and so on make a difference in kid’s lives. Elite private schools are good and bad in this manner.

Affluenza can be successfully treated. The most important step is to bring the condition out of hiding, to name it, to de-mystify it. With insight, we can begin to create more balanced expectations and employ money in more appropriate ways. The process involves awareness, education and change. With personal insight into the potentially crippling effects that money, or its blind pursuit, can have on every aspect of our lives professionally and personally. As business owners ,employees, and students we can learn how to create emotional balance around financial matters in the work environment resulting in a more successful business and most importantly a more balanced and successful lifestyle. The definition of success is much broader than the financial bottom line.

In conclusion Affluenza can effect a big part in your life. It can make you broke and make your life miserable. Money doesn’t make you happy. You can have financial problems. People who deal with affluenza, only do it to make theirselves happy.  Affluenza can also be treated successfully. I think you should just be yourself and live your life the way you want to live it not the way someone else live their life.


I think we should get school uniforms. The reason why I say this is because it would change me having to wake up so early just to find something to wear at school. Then it would be a good solution for the dress code. Mostly students wouldn’t agree with this situation, because they don’t want anyone to control what they wear. This a good idea, because Oak Grove students had a choice, but the students just abused the choice to wear what they want to wear. So this would be a punishment and lesson that they should learn. At a point I didn’t want school uniforms, but when I started going to Oak Grove High my mind changed about the whole thing. These are some of the reasons why I think we should have school uniforms.

 Some people say that school uniforms would save parents money and I agree with that. Then someone else  said that school uniforms would save parents time. Then kids in the morning would not have to make up their minds on what to wear. Some other opinions on school uniforms is that kids who’s parents would not or could not buy them the newest fad, would not be embarrassed or harassed because of their clothes. Kids social standing would be based more on individual character and less their economic status. Some kids use baggy cloths to hid weapons and drugs. These are some students opinions I found on the internet. You can find these opinions at Students Opinions.

 In the United Kingdom uniforms were the norm throughout most of the 20th Century and are still widespread, but the debate over their benefits and disadvantages is still raging some thirty years after quite a number of British comprehensive (public) schools stopped requiring students to wear uniforms. School principals in America often believe that bringing in uniforms will solve the school discipline problem at a stroke. Of course this is nonsense! Uniforms can be a small (read tiny) part of the mix of attitudes, techniques, rules and norms which lead to a happy successful peaceful school, but they are not a panacea. Furthermore, schools can become happy successful peaceful places without uniforms. This is good news because there are many people who are against School Uniforms and they have produced arguments of some serious disadvantages to introducing a school uniform policy. These are a couple facts about school uniforms.

The reason why we shouldn’t have school uniforms is people rebel against principals and other high authorities because of these uniforms. They do not let us show our true style . Some people can only concentrate and feel confident if we are wearing good clothes . Then plus thats the only reason why some people come here just to get away from school uniforms. These are some reasons why we shouldn’t have school uniforms.

 School uniforms could make the current dress codes less reactionary, subjective and open to interpretation or disagreement. School uniforms could make certain socio-economic  differences among our students less obvious. These differences can, in some instances, make students targets for bullying and harassment. School uniforms would make it easier to identify people who are not our students. These are some reasons from the web that we should have school uniforms.

Well I’m going to Mobile with my organization. I’m going to Mobile for a big step show and to party with my Delteen Sisters. I really don’t know what i’m a do after I come from Mobile, but I hope I have a lot of fun.

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