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What are you going to do with your life after high school / college?


 After school I plan on going to a 2 year community college and then attend a University to become a pediatricians. While i’m in college I would like to be a model as my side job while i’m trying to become a pedistrician. The reason why I want to become a pedistrician is because I love kids so much and I would like to be there to help them and be there to take care of them and save their life. I want to work in the medical field and I rather be pedistrician than a doctor because it’s something that I would enjoy. This is what I want to do after high school.

A  Pediatrician is a child’s physician who provides  preventive health maintenance for healthy children. Also provides medical care for children who are acutely or chronically ill.  Pediatricians manage the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of their patients, in every stage of development – in good health or in illness. Generally, pediatricians focus on babies, children, adolescents, and young adults from birth to age 21 years. These are just a little facts about Pediatricians

Pediatricians are important people to this world. The reason why I say this is because they help children lives and thats a good thing about pediatricians. They are real famous in Africa. The reason why they’re famous in Africa, because it be a lot kids dying and if we didn’t have pediatrician then the population will decrease rapily in Africa. Thats why I want to be a pediatrician, so I can save children lives and be successful.

Pediatricians must really like working with children and their families. Excellent communication skills are a prerequisite, as is the ability to work in a multidisciplinary team. Listening skills are also vital, as is the willingness to learn from patients. Having compassion, resilience and a sense of humor is important. Open-mindedness as to what constitutes a family is critical. The rewards are that the work is compassionate and caring – and frequently fun. These are just some skills you should have.
These are some of the reasons why I want be  Pediatrician. Pediatricians are good choice if you want to work in the medical field to me. I love kids so much and I want to be successful in life . I hope just one day this big dream of mines come true soon.  I want to be a good role model to kids and be there to save their lives.  This is my big dream I want to accomplish one day.




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